06 July 2007

Writing from Belfast

J: Ireland tour day 5
I keep thinking about the million things that I want to write, but when I get to the computer I have, like, no energy. Well, I'll give it a shot. We have had an amazing five days exploring Ireland thus far. I have had the opportunity to see the most beautiful and majestic sights that the world has to offer. From the Cliffs of Moher to the Burren. I sat out at Slea Head and watched a storm come out of nowhere, drenching the 25 people on our tour. It was so great! Crossing into the Burren is like entering a different part of the world than the one we had just spent time exploring. We went from green, rolling hills to fragmented limestone with sparse vegetation. But still so heartbreakingly beautiful. We have learned so much of Irish history, from the fun-loving stories of giants and leprechauns to the deep sadness that comes from hearing of Bloody Sunday and the fourteen innocent Irish that were so senselessly slain. We went to the Cliffs of Moher, and walked (again) forever to get to OBrien's tower. The view was so worth it, though. We stood looking out at the Cliffs on the 4th of July and sang our National anthem. I'm sure the many people surrounding us thought we were insane, but it was our own sense of patriotism. Afterward, people even stranger than us, if you can believe it, said 'Play Ball'. Ever the shy one, D responded with 'Don't you wish you were at a BBQ eating a hot dog?' or something to that effect. It's been a whirwind Ireland for us this week, and I am sad at the thought of this tour coming to a close. It's been difficult in a lot of ways, but also I have found moments of peace I hadn't thought possible before. I love this land that God created for us, and am astounded at it's beauty. He has shown us kindness and guidance here that we would have had a hard time doing without. I know He is... "Mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land."
We got to sing Karaoke at a pub in Annascaul (sp?)and we rocked! Our tour guide, Conor, has a surprisingly good singing voice, which he proved when he sang "It's raining men" for us all. Of course it was on a dare, and he changed the words to "It's raining women". Needless to say, he won't be trusting anyone else to pick out his songs for him in the future.
Well, it's about that time, and I am ready for food and bed, possibly not even food, I am so exhausted.


Diana said...

You sound tired but so wistful. I want to see these things. When you get married and live there I will come visit you. Love you all. Casey, my heart is with all of you.

scammed said...

What a wonderful trip you three are having. I am not envious, just wishful that I too will get to experience Ireland.

I'm sure you know it is there that my side of our family began. David Alexander Dyas, born in Kells, Meath County in 1787 and his parents had a summer home there and a winter home in Dublin. His wife, Frances Piggot, born in 1787 was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Sophia, wife of George III. They left Ireland from the West coast in 1817 with four small children and with the help/influence of the Queen, as David was in trouble, had been arrested for assisting a Catholic Priest through the countryside. He was to be tried and imprisioned but they got out of Ireland, were on a boat for 44 days to America.

Daniel Walsh was born in Cloughmills, Antrim County in 1808. His parents and many brothers and sisters immigrated to the US in 1827.

Daniel was my Mother's grandfather on her mother's side and David was my Mother's father's grandfather.

If you already know all of this sorry to bore you, if you don't please think of them as you walk the lovely land that is Ireland. Neither was Catholic, in that heavily Catholic land.

I hope you all are well and okay. My heart too is with all of you and most especially with Casey.

Junque Male said...

Hello Girls!!!! Oh my J... you write soooo beautifully. I was so moved and touched and smiled and even wiped a tear!

I am soooo thrilled you are all there and together. Our hearts are with you... in joy and pain.

I love you guys sooo much and am so expecting a time when we can just share it all!

Love you tons and tons!

GaryVigen said...

I am also a descendant of Frances Piggot & David Alexander Dyas and would like to know more about the post made by mlb733.

Gary Vigen
Grand Prairie, Texas