Sunday we planned to go to Friday Harbour to go to church. We missed the ferry. It was lame.
We went to the library (free wi-fi) and got a number from the church website for the meeting place on Orcas. We heard from them at about noon. Church was at 8:45. Oh, and church was at the library... ugh! Needless to say, we missed our church meetings that day. Improvising, we went to this beautiful spot on the waterfront and brought our blankets and conference Ensign. We each chose a talk and read it out loud. It was pretty cold, so we covered up with the blanket and ended up sleeping. For HOURS! It was crazy. We slept and slept and slept, and then we slept some more. We finally got up when I had to eat. I had a vision of a chocolate old fashioned doughnut with chocolate glaze and the cute ball sprinkles.
We really needed to get the blood pumping, so we hiked to Cascade Falls. It was only 3 miles round trip. C just couldn't resist and went IN the falls. It was freezing, and I think it affected her judgement, because on the hike back she told me about the day after the alien invasion when some humans will live peaceably with the aliens who wear clothes made of thyrinomine which looks a lot like silver. About 20 minutes later, C falls... I only felt a little bad for laughing, 'cause she was ok. Just a bit scraped up. She likes her war wounds. Get it? C Falls... Cascade Falls... C falls... ha!
We were gearing up for a rousing game of cribbage after dinner, but we fell asleep. At like 8pm. Seriously, after sleeping all day, we went to bed early and didn't get up until about 10am on Monday. And they say that you can't "catch up" on your sleep.
1 comment:
What is going to happen to the rest of the humans, the ones who DONT live peaceably with the aliens? And will the humans pick up the silver material trend? Or is it a survival thing for the aliens and would kill a human to wear it? Also, what will everyone eat? And do you think that Roswell will be obliterated because of it's high tourist trade based solely on killing, capturing or doing other unthinkable (beacuse I cant think of it) things to the aliens? Who will obliterate it? Will that decision be made by the aliens or by the government? So many unanswered questions!
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